It’s been 574 days since we brought you our last event, but who’s counting anyways? … Us. Why? Because we crave our community, we strive to be together, we love social connection and we cherish our vibrant and funky sound. On Saturday September 25th we open our doors once again to you as we welcome back our community and colour our days with visions of dance, music and social connection. Join us for the welcome back party of the year featuring our friends and extended family and newcomers alike in a safe space and beautiful setting in the heart of Parkdale for us all to dance once again.
Our doors open at 4PM and we encourage you to arrive early as capacity is limited due to current government regulations. The beautiful 6 Noble complex will feature custom sound, unique decor and an outdoor beer garden for you to enjoy inside and out, from day into night we will leave you craving for more!
Come and feel the vibes of our family of DJ’s who will add flavour and colour to our worlds!
DJ’s in Rotation:
Ali Black
Sean Roman
Strange City & Tele
Douglas Carter
Brian Ireland
Location and event details:
6 Noble St. Toronto, ON M6K 2C6
Doors 4pm | $10 suggested donation at the door l Limited capacity – first come/first served basis. 19+. Fully licensed public event in support of the Pia Bouman School for Ballet.
Event brought to you by People + Culture and Lost Time.
***COVID19 Protocols:***
Masks/face coverings will be mandatory in all common spaces and in areas where physical distancing is not possible or difficult to adhere to. As mandated by the Government of Ontario, as of September 22, 2021, Ontarians will need to be fully vaccinated (two doses plus 14 days) and provide their proof of vaccination along with photo ID to access certain public settings and facilities.